Top 5 Disastrous Hurricane Mistakes To Avoid

People who live in a projected path of a hurricane usually get worked up about the deadly storm, which will likely cause devastating damage in a region. However, when preparing for a coming hurricane, you mustn't make mistakes that can result in endangering your life and that of your family. 

So, read on to find out some disastrous hurricane mistakes you should avoid when a hurricane is expected to strike your community. Let's begin.

1. Not keeping documents for insurance claims

Filing an insurance claim after hurricane damage can be frustrating, especially when you don't have a hurricane insurance claims law firm to help you through the process. However, when you keep documents, it can make your insurance claim easier. 

To properly keep your documents, you must prepare and document every damage and expense caused by the storm. Let's find out how you can do that.

  • Have an inventory before the storm

Having a home inventory where you keep track of your belongings can be very helpful in ensuring your claim settlement is fast when your property is destroyed. 

Since it is possible to lose your copy of your inventory when stored at home during a hurricane, you should store them in cloud-based storage.

  • Save receipts

Since you might pay for some upfront costs during and after a disaster, ensure you save your receipts. For example, restaurant meals and hotel bills are covered in additional living expenses as part of your home insurance policy. You can use these results to make a claim.

  • Take videos or pictures of the damage 

When you return to your house, you should take a picture or video of the damage to your dwelling and properties. However, ensure that the insurance adjuster has already seen the damages before you start cleaning.

2. Not having a hurricane insurance plan 

A big mistake that you can make is to assume that damages cover you due to hurricanes. For instance, homeowner insurance generally doesn't include flood damage. Therefore, you would not be covered when a flood destroys your dwelling place and belongings. 

Additionally, home insurers wholly or partially don't include wind damage in certain coastal areas. An excellent hurricane insurance plan should include homeowner, flood, and wind insurance if it isn't covered by home insurance. 

Ensure that you discuss with your insurance agent the details of what your policy covers. You should also know if your home insurance policy has a higher, special hurricane deductible.

3. Misjudging wind speeds 

Another big mistake that people make is to misjudge the amount of damage caused by winds. Hurricanes are categorized based on the maximum wind speed the hurricane sustains. 

For instance, a category one hurricane has a wind speed of about 95 mph, while a category five hurricane will have a 157 mph wind speed or higher. Category one wind speed is deemed dangerous. 

Apart from damaging your gutter, vinyl siding, and roofs, they can also uproot trees and snap branches which can cause an extended power outage.

4. Hiring the wrong contractor 

Sadly, after a hurricane, some fraudulent contractors look for means to make money in people's distress by scamming them through roof repairs. It is even quite common to see them going door-to-door requesting service from homeowners with low bids. 

They often demand to be paid in cash and upfront but leave with unfinished and shoddy work. Sometimes, they might even take the money and not show up to begin the work. So, you must be cautious when selecting a contractor and be careful of those asking for full payment up-front. 

A good recommendation is to get referrals from friends and family or perform your research with the Better Business Bureau. You can even ask your Insurance claim lawyer for a referral. Most importantly, ensure that the contractor is insured, bonded, and licensed.  

5. Having no evacuation planned in advance

Flood is the most deadly force during a hurricane. This is why experts advise against riding out a hurricane. When a hurricane occurs, you will not only be fighting against floodwater and storm surges but with contaminated drinking water, flying debris, strained rescue, and limited access to food. These are some of the perils you may face, so you must evacuate as soon as possible.

Final Words 

When you are preparing for a hurricane, there are many things that you should consider for your safety and the safety of others. This is because storms can have severe effects and huge impacts on the places where they hit and the residents who live there.

Though confronting a hurricane is pretty scary, following the tips mentioned above can help you prepare for your safety and your family's safety in the face of a potential disaster.